Sports Illustrated magazine’s ticketing division, SI Tickets, intends to move its NFT ticketing platform, Box Office, from the Polygon blockchain to Avalanche. The service was introduced on April 5, 2023, or roughly ten months ago, and the corporation made the announcement on February 20th, 2023.
As part of the new partnership, SI Tickets will use Avalanche blockchain technology to mint NFT tickets. The company behind Avalanche, Ava Labs, will supply the tools and know-how needed to convert event tickets into dynamic digital material. With special perks associated with NFT tickets, SI Tickets will be able to interact with attendees more effectively prior to, during, and following events.
According to David Lane, CEO of SI Tickets, the collaboration with Ava Labs will provide vital tools that Polygon did not have. He bragged about the benefits of NFT ticketing, saying that once tickets are scanned, it opens up possibilities for ongoing participation and other revenue streams for event planners. Lane thinks that once fans discover the benefits of NFT offers, the expanding NFT sports market will spur widespread adoption.
The rollout takes place in tandem with the start of Inspect Rewards Season 1, an effort that pays Avalanche fans for their involvement in the community. To be eligible for prizes given out based on ranking, users must configure AVAX profile images and connect wallets to the analytics platform Inspect. The season has an undisclosed conclusion date.
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