In order to facilitate cryptocurrencycurrency purchases for Indian users, Bitget, a top cryptocurrencycurrency exchange, and Alchemy Pay, a worldwide provider of payment solutions, have partnered.
Bitget users can purchase INR via Alchemy Pay’s one-step “On-Ramp” connection. Thanks to this collaboration, users will gain from straightforward and adaptable trading options as well as the simplicity of converting cash to bitcoin.
Recent developments show that Alchemy Pay’s Exchange is still expanding throughout Southeast Asia and that its integration with Alchemy Pay now enables efficient payment for individuals in India.
An increased selection of trade pairs, which includes well-known cryptocurrencycurrencies like BTC, ETH, USDT, and TRX, is advantageous to the Bitget community. Peer-to-peer (P2P) transactions made possible by the Unified Payments Interface (UPI) and IMPS cooperation facilitate speedy and easy cryptocurrencycurrency purchases across the country.
Special chances for traders are offered by the program approach, which is based on prior free trading campaigns. During the promotion, Bitget members who trade spot pairings of ETH/USDT and BTC/USDT will automatically receive Bitget Token (BGB) from trade commission fees.
In addition, Bitget revealed that from April 28 to May 20, 2024, users will be rewarded through the Mine Promotion program.
Also read: Bitget and OnRamp Collaborate for Effortless INR-to-Crypto Transactions