Bloomberg report says that novice cryptocurrencycurrency investors who lost money on their investments are excitedly going back to sites like Coinbase and Robinhood, hoping to profit from the 25% increase in Bitcoin prices over the previous month.
However, the excitement has subsided from the mania of the last bull market, as evidenced by positive earnings announcements from Coinbase and Robinhood. Coinbase’s share price surged dramatically as a result of increased revenue, user base, and even its first profitable quarter in two years.
The same concern regarding the return of this retail audience is addressed by one trader, Kyle Diane.Indeed, he said this on Bloomberg.
Although not nearly to the scale of the previous bull market, there are indications that the retail audience is beginning to reenter the market. In comparison to many tokens, even cryptocurrencycurrency equities like COIN and miners are more volatile.
“There are good momentum triggers,” says Alesia Haas, CFO of Coinbase, addressing the topic. She’s talking about the upcoming halving of Bitcoin in the first half of the upcoming month, which usually sparks a lot of interest from regular investors and contributes to their growth as well.
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